The GKI 2023 Dashboard presents interactive data visualization, offering a unique window into the world of knowledge dimensions within and across countries. Optimized for Google Chrome and Safari browsers, it allows for an intuitive exploration of complex data, making the understanding of global knowledge trends both engaging and insightful. Note that the country names displayed on the dashboard do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations, including UNDP and UN Member States, or MBRF.

Top performers


Global performance


Cross-country comparison


Global Knowledge Index and other indices

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Explore the Global Knowledge Index

Select the combination of countries/indicators from the dropdown menu and choose your preferred type of visualization. Your countries/indicators combination might limit the selectable number of visuals. * Countries with no available data will not be visualized on the scatter plot

Select 1 indicator and up to 17 countries or 1 country and up to 17 indicators
Select 1 indicator and up to 17 countries or 1 country and up to 17 indicators
Select 2 to 6 indicators and 2 to 5 countries
Select 2 to 6 indicators and 2 to 5 countries
Select 3 to 10 indicators and up to 3 countries
Select 1 indicator and up to 10 countries or 1 country and up to 10 indicators
Select 2 indicators and any number of countries
Select 1 to 8 countries and any number of indicators